More about Artichokes and Okra in Ayurveda perspective....!!!
VEGETABLES are important part of our meals where some are cooked some are eaten raw....lets see Ayurveda views..... Energetics : Pleasant/even/sweet Actions : Generally sattwic (but less so than fruit) Indications : Root — heavier, nutritive, relieves Vata, increases kapha, and neutral effect on Pitta, carrots, potatoes, cauliflower family increases Vata. Leafy Greens— (including cabbage family) lighter, relieves Pitta and Kapha, mildly increases Vata, blood-cleansing, vitamins, and minerals. Pungents—onions, chilies Relieves Vata kapha, mildly increases Pitta also they are rajasic . Nightshades —tomatoes, potatoes, may cause allergies, though if cooked they cause fewer problems. Diuretics— Carrots, celery, lettuce, mustard greens, watercress, broccoli, potatoes. Preparation: Vata—cooked or steamed, oils and spices, salt and pickled ( rajasic ) Pitta—raw or lightly steamed, vegetable juices, Kapha—cooked or steamed. Fresh, organic, home or local